Welcome to the BioPsciences Institute

Heads Up! I would recommend you move to the new BPI web site now -- it's ready to use. No new material will be added to this old site in the future. Please stay abreast of our Moving and Renovation Plans during this transition period.

BPI was formed by Martin Bulgerin in 1987 to explore and report on the subtle, energetic side of life. This search has led us into various healing arts and arcane techniques for bringing the body/mind to a more refined state and for understanding the world about us at a deeper level. One of these important tools is Astrology, the language of energy and life. Another is the use of Flower Essences (and other similar remedies) to work with these energies for the purposes of healing and spiritual growth. Our study of Ortho-Bionomy®, a gentle but powerful form of energy-based physical bodywork, has also been an important influence.

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