Current Transits for June 2000

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


New Moon at 12Gm15, 6-2
Vesta Retrograde Station at 1Aq13, 6-2
Ceres enters Libra, 6-15
Mars enters Cancer, 6-16
Full Moon at 26Sa03, 6-16
Mercury Retrograde Station at 19Cn58, 6-23
Juno Retrograde Station at 26Aq57, 6-24
Pallas enters Virgo, 6-25
Jupiter enters Gemini, 6-30

General Outlook for the Month

June is a deceptive month. In terms of the events that astrologers normally look at, it doesn't look like much is happening. Yet at the same time, the month is filled with Koz Alerts and powerful planetary storms -- the waveforms for June say there is plenty of action. Get ready for some fast paced activity at times, even if you can't really put your finger on what is driving it. I think the month is mostly transitional, as we move away from the strong Taurus influence of May and shift to the heavy Cancer emphasis that will typify July. Prepare yourself to change your point of view a couple of times during this month, as the situation requires. We are being set up to receive some pretty intense spiritual energies the next few months, so get used to a much faster pace. Life could get interesting.

There are 3 major events and about 5 minor ones (involving the asteroids) to discuss for June, mostly retrograde stations and sign changes. I don't expect the individual events to be particularly dramatic by themselves, but the cumulative effect is to shift the energetic "background" considerably during the month.

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New Moon at 12Gm15, 6-2

The most impressive thing about this new moon chart is all the Gemini planets (Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars) directly opposite the Chiron-Pluto conjunction that's been active the last 18 months. In fact, the new moon point looks right down the barrel of that conjunction. Since the Gemini bodies are all "conscious planets" that represent everyday levels of the psyche, while Chiron and Pluto are more deep unconscious planets, it appears our conscious perspective and ego positions are seriously out of synch with the deeper processes going on underneath the surface. At times like this, the deep self rises up to challenge the ego and restore balance. One of the issues that seems to be coming up for many people is one of Pluto's favorites: sex. These are not just your usual sex-and-power skirmishes that we brush off as "the battle of the sexes" -- although there is plenty of that going on. We seem to be touching into truly shameful and hurt-filled areas of our lives, the parts we don't want to look at, work with, or let anyone else see. These are the issues that continually sabotage our lives and our happiness, making us question what it means anymore to be a man or a woman. It's time to open up this can of worms and let go of such self-negating behaviors. Of course, we're still reeling from Jupiter-Saturn squaring off Uranus and Juno, as though our conventional ways of relating to each other are getting in the way of a more enlightened (or at least fair minded) approach. There are a lot of tough issues in this chart, enough to chew on for many months. Just be patient and don't try to rush the process -- jumping to conclusions prematurely will undoubtedly prevent the full healing cycle from completing.

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Vesta Retrograde Station at 1Aq13, 6-2

Vesta has been particularly busy lately. She moved from Capricorn into Aquarius on May 16th, comes to a stand still on the 2nd (at 1Aq13), and then backs up into Capricorn again on the 20th (until October 28). Vesta often represents our sense of security, where we draw our strength from. At her highest expression, she's that unshakeable feeling of power and trust that comes from being faithful to your deepest inner nature, the soul that whispers quietly in your ear. Obviously, there's an extended shake up going on in this department. I'm reminded of 1998, when Neptune was crossing this same border and all the changes that brought us. Our security shifts away from material comforts and towards more idealistic or social goals. There's less a need for certainty and structure as we adapt to a more intuitive, "seat of the pants" way of relating to situations that may seem quite chaotic. This is an extended transition, as I said, full of back tracking, second thoughts and set backs. Don't rush the process or feel you need to exhibit "progress" too quickly. If Vesta doesn't feel secure in the changes, she is likely to shrink and pull back, hiding within herself. To a degree, this is normal, since this is how she recharges her batteries and gathers her power. But if the withdrawal becomes chronic, fear replaces power and the growth process stalls out. Take matters step by step, building a firm foundation along the way.

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Ceres enters Libra, 6-15

Ceres enters Libra on the 15th for a 3 month stay (until 9-12). This is a time to take care of partners and loved ones, in the broadest sense. There is a lot of support and mutual benefit to be derived from these relationships, but both people must share the effort equally. A one sided arrangement will probably breed discontent or a feeling of lack of support and in the long run poison the relationship. At a deeper level, this placement produces an understanding of how important our connections with others are to us. This network of partnerships gives life its vitality and richness, literally feeding the soul. By bringing this soulful quality to all your interactions with other people, all of life is nourished.

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Mars enters Cancer, 6-16

Mars moves from Gemini into Cancer on the 16th. This zodiac sign is one of the least beneficial placements for Mars, as it really inhibits his action. Mars is about physical activity, will power and ego expression. When he moves into Cancer however, he becomes moody and emotional, losing his sharpness and temper. The normal Cancerian concern with others and how they feel steals away his thunder and brashness. I usually imagine Mars in Cancer as a Roman centurion in a frilly kitchen apron -- it's an oxymoronic contradiction in terms. It's most useful if you need to do some activity where sensitivity to others is important, but expect only limited results. You may feel a bit less energetic and dynamic during this time. Mars moves into Leo on July 31st.

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Full Moon at 26Sa03, 6-16

The first thing to jump out about the full moon chart is that the full moon itself (26Sa03) is practically right on the Galactic Center (26Sa49). While there's little consensus on the precise influence of the GC, it's known to be a powerful spiritual position in the zodiac, helping people who are sensitive to it bring in new ideas or visions and share their gifts with humanity. Given that most of the planets in the sky are connected with the GC now, the next few weeks are a time to tune into some deep, other-worldly energies that could be highly transformative. All these planets are personal or social planets, many of them "feminine" in nature, hinting that changes in our everyday lives that introduce a softer, more life-affirming approach are in order. A number of these bodies are tuned to love or relationship themes as well, making close one-on-one partnerships a focus. However, there's a massive split in this chart. While all the personal planets are part of the pattern, the unconscious ones are left out, quiet, hidden. Given that unconscious forces and issues have been uncommonly active in recent weeks for many people, it seems unreasonable they would simply go underground so quickly. These archetypal forces may disappear from our conscious view, but they don't go away like this. I suspect that there are "unseen influences" within us that are pushing us in some unexpected directions, creating situations that are "sneak up" on us later. It's important to be especially aware of your motivations in coming weeks -- you may not be behaving as you think you are. It's easy to fool yourself, although the results may not show up for several months yet. Take your time.

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Mercury Retrograde Station at 19Cn58, 6-23

Mercury is standing still at 19Cn58 on the 23rd, preparing to go into 3 weeks of reverse gear. As always, if you have any activities that require you to think clearly, finish them up before this date. Mercury retrograde tends to destroy the ability to think or communicate well, as the symbol-using part of the mind stops working. It's best not to make important decisions during this time (especially if you have no ability to reconsider them later), as your judgment is off. Communications with others inevitably go haywire, no matter how clearly you think you're getting your point across. Even computers have been known to go beserk during these periods (back up your hard drive now!). Perhaps the most useful part of these retrograde cycles is the window they provide into the workings of your own mind. When the thinking mind is sluggish and malfunctioning like this, it can give you some fascinating insights on why you behave the way you do. Mercury remains in reverse gear until July 17, when it goes direct again at 10Cn23.

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Juno Retrograde Station at 26Aq57, 6-24

Juno stands still (26Aq57) on the 24th, about to go into reverse gear. Here's another relationship theme coming up for a closer look. Juno is about partnerships based on equality, so when she goes retrograde like this, the basic inequalities that may be present become increasingly visible and annoying. Perhaps the relationship has fallen in some ruts, or there are unspoken assumptions about how things should be that are slowly sapping the vitality of life together. It's time to shake things up, reexamine those underlying beliefs, try out some new ways of behaving around each other. In particular, the Aquarius background to this period suggests it's time to break with the "same old, same old" and really shake things up. This pattern continues until Juno's direct station at 12Aq00, on 10-1.

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Pallas enters Virgo, 6-25

Pallas enters Virgo on the 25th, until 9-2. This placement should stimulate your critical mental abilities, the power to intuitively size up and discern the true patterns behind your experience. This is particularly the case for people involved in some of the healing arts (a specialty of both Pallas and Virgo), where the need to perceive the essential pattern of a person's state of imbalance is the first step towards healing. It's a time to settle down and focus on mundane, but very practical work. You may not "shine" or stand out because of this effort, but in the long run it produces a strong base of expertise to draw on later.

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Jupiter enters Gemini, 6-30

Jupiter moves from Taurus into Gemini on the 30th. You may be finding your interests shifting from more physical, material concerns to mental and communications issues. Jupiter will be expanding our interest in the connections we make with each other through ideas and common mental pursuits. There's a need to talk, share ideas, play with new points of view simply for the intellectual pleasure of it. The normal Gemini scatteredness generally causes this mental activity to have a lot of breadth and little depth -- the tendency now is to hop around and explore many areas lightly and with little discipline. Jupiter remains in Gemini for about a year, until it moves into Cancer on 2001-7-12.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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