Current Transits for May 99

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Mars reenters Libra, 5-5
Neptune Retrograde Station at 4Aq22, 5-6
Ceres enters Cancer, 5-13
New Moon at 24Ta14, 5-15
Saturn quincunx Pluto, 5-18
Uranus Retrograde Station at 16Aq47, 5-21
Jupiter tri-octile Pluto, 5-27
Full Moon at 8Sa26, 5-30

General Outlook for the Month

The challenging T-square that dominated April is beginning to break up as we enter May, although it will be awhile before it dissipates entirely. At least that influence is lightening up, though a number of other astrological events indicate new shifts to attend to. Foremost among these new forces are the retrograde stations of Neptune and Uranus, which will cause existing situations to become more difficult or entrenched over the summer. Just realize that most of the action this month is on "hidden levels" that are beyond our normal awareness. Even when things appear to be going smoothly, circumstances behind the scenes are intensifying and gradually building to a crescendo. Keep your eyes open for the unusual and unexpected -- these are clues to understanding the big picture that's developing. Have patience with this larger process -- it's taking its good, sweet time and can't be rushed.

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Mars Reenters Libra, 5-5

We are over halfway through Mars' retrograde cycle that began March 18 and ends June 4. On the 5th, Mars slips backward from Scorpio into Libra for a 2 month stay. Mars in reverse gear in Libra is a picture of frustration and thwarted desire. The Warrior God is, when you get right down to it, the power of ego and will to get things done on the physical plane. He prefers people to help or get out of the way, because he has big plans and no patience for delays. But when he's backing up like this, it seems his every action produces complications. Most of these problems are self-generated, a kind of unconscious sabotage or self-defeating action that undermines one's conscious plans. So Mars retrograde is usually a time to discover how we can be our own worst enemy. It wasn't so bad when he was hanging out in Scorpio, since that sign is often self-absorbed anyway and is a natural home for Mars, but Libra is another story. Libra is about getting along with others, of using diplomacy and compromise to smooth over the pot-holes and speedbumps that we experience when relating to the people around us. Mars would sooner run over a person than think about accomodating them, so this placement really strains his coping skills. Apparently, one of these lessons in personal sabotage involves working with others to accomplish common goals. It requires patience and skill in relating to others, a vision of the common good vs. personal desire. These aren't easy lessons for Mars, but they will pay off later when he wants to do something that involves the help of others. Hold your temper, be patient with others, work on your communication skills to avoid misunderstandings. There will be time again to "bust on through" in typical warrior fashion later this summer.

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Neptune Retrograde Station at 4Aq22, 5-6

The next event worth noting in early May is the retrograde station of Neptune. Note that this is the first retrograde cycle for Neptune that takes place completely in Aquarius, after a long transition from Capricorn, so the next 5 months are likely to bring out some growing pains and adjustments to the new Aquarian energy. OK, so Neptune finally made it into Aquarius -- now what? Neptune is about vision and inspiration, of seeing a goal off on the horizon and musing about how to bring it about. Our goals have probably changed considerably in the last 18 months. Ideals such as material comfort or being successful on the world's terms that seemed so glamorous a short time ago may be losing their appeal. Capricorn tended to ground our ideals on the material level, leaving our dreams earthbound instead of flying high. It's time now to learn how to dream and envision in a conscious fashion, free from old conditioning and delusions. It's especially important to be free from the social and cultural "myth-makers" of our time (the television and entertainment industry being the worst offenders, followed by politics) that steal our ability to follow a vision and subvert it for their own purposes, not yours. Remember always that your dreams are powerful, a source of subtle energies that literally shape and mold the world around you. The unconscious mind is extremely creative and productive -- what you believe and envision is what you will see and experience. By consciously taking control of your vision, you begin to create the world of your choosing, not someone else's. You need to follow the dictates of you heart and intuition if you want to avoid simply "buying in" to the next fad. In the long-term (until about 2012), we are learning what can be described as a "technology of the spirit" -- an understanding of how to work at subtle levels beyond the 5 senses to create a world that mirrors our soul's desires. The spirit is aching for us to outgrow our spiritual adolescence, our infatuation with worldly matters that distract us from our true business. Keep your eyes open, clear your vision.

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Ceres Enters Cancer, 5-13

The asteroid Ceres moves into Cancer on the 13th (until July 21). Without a doubt, this placement says "Mother!" more clearly than nearly any other. The themes of nurturance and emotional support are being served up in double scoops. This is a time to tend to your "children", whether they be your physical offspring, your dream pet projects or your house and garden plants. Look at how you can support and enrich the lives of those that depend on you. Cancer also deals with a sense of belonging, of being a part of something greater than yourself. Ceres was the Great Mother Goddess that taught us (particularly through the old Mystery religions) of our mystic connections with the rest of the world, showing us how we are children of the universe. We participate in this great Web of Life whenever we partake of these rituals of nurturance, of helping and being helped, of adding our contribution to the maintanence of life. Participating in the flow of life allows us to reconnect, to feel (as opposed to intellectually "knowing") how we are a part of everything around us. Tap into this connection, feel the life force flowing through your day to day activities. This is your spiritual nourishment.

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New Moon at 24Ta14, 5-15

There's a Double Yod in full swing now, preparing us for the Saturn-Pluto quincunx on the 18th. The upcoming lunar month could be highly influential for a long time. In essence, a "task" of some kind is being set before each of us and the course of our lives depends on how we deal with this task. While it's possible to turn your back on this opportunity and continue with your same old lifestyle, it's not really a desirable course of action. There's a chance to grow and break out of some ruts that are holding you back. It produces a sense of aliveness that may have been missing for a long time. I suspect the influence of someone close to you may be necessary to achieve this breakthrough, since another can often help us see our blindspots. Deep levels of the psyche are being stirred up, producing a feeling of power and excitement emerging from the darkness. Help bring this power to the surface and out into the world, if you can. We all need to find out what it is about...

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Saturn Quincunx Pluto, 5-18

Saturn quincunx Pluto is one of the major aspects of the entire month. The dance between Saturn and Pluto is interesting to watch. Saturn essentially rules structure and form, the visible and tangible expression of the inner life. Pluto, on the other hand, is the power and driving force of this inner world that pushes our lives in new directions more in harmony with our true nature, even when that conflicts with outer necessities. He's notorious for backing us into a corner until we're forced to give up things we've been holding onto, but should have outgrown a long time ago. Quincunxes are an odd aspect, one that rarely seems to go smoothly. It's as though two parts of our lives are at odds -- not a direct "butting heads" kind of at odds, but more subtly out of sync and not meshing harmoniously. This 10 month process we are entering is spotlighting this mismatch in our lives. Pluto in Sag is talking to us from the spirit, telling us to reexamine our beliefs, extend our boundaries, clear our minds of limiting structures of all kinds. Saturn in Taurus, however, is intent on consolidating those structures, making a firm foundation for us to operate from. While not strictly opposing influences, it can be difficult to harmonize these tendencies the coming year. Pluto will not stand for us falling into a rut; Saturn won't tolerate unlimited overhaul. Balance is the key here. Watch over your physical health and make the necessary life-style changes to increase your vitality, since these planets can produce much stress. Slow and easy does it...

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Uranus Retrograde Station at 16Aq47, 5-21

Uranus is standing still on the 21st. Uranus is about creative chaos, the unexpected that shakes everything up. In fact, the term "synchronicity" seems made for Uranus. It's the intelligence that watches from behind the normal thinking mind and every so often throws a monkey wrench from left field to disrupt your usual behavior. As such, it seems to emanate from the unconscious in most people, at least until you break through the thinking mind (Mercury) and own up to Uranus. When it goes into reverse like this, weird things start to happen if you are open to them. Granted, Uranus can often feel like dynamite sticks going off all around you, but the end result of this chaos is to break up patterns in your life that have gotten too cozy and confining. We all need to go through growth spurts at times, climbing out of our ruts and heading on to the next stage of living. Uranus retrograde cycles are especially good for overhauling unworkable thought patterns or beliefs, changing your mental outlook or hardened attitudes. You only need to let the surprises happen and accept them -- easier said than done. The tendency is to resist these changes and hold on to the old patterns, which only makes Uranus more insistent and determined. Give in early -- it makes life a lot more fun!

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Jupiter Tri-octile Pluto, 5-27

Jupiter is tri-octile Pluto on the 27th, the first of 3 such contacts. Jupiter rules our ability to reach out into the outer world and expand our boundaries. He is the nice, rich uncle that dishes out the rewards for interacting with the rest of society in a constructive fashion. Once again, this tendency is running afoul of Pluto's more inward ways that have no respect for what is commonly considered "acceptable." Tri-octiles are another difficult aspect, somewhat resembling a glancing blow (as opposed to a head-on crash) in their effect. It's not that these two tendencies are directly at odds within you now, but they do seem to interfere with each other a lot. It's intriguing that both Jupiter and Saturn are tangling with Pluto this next year. Both planets are known as "social planets", meaning they rule over different parts of being a member of society and fulfilling the "social contract" between us. Obviously, the spiritual and social parts of our lives need to be reconciled this coming year. I suspect the usual pattern will be that we realize our social roles and masks are too confining to allow further growth, so something has to give. However, I can also imagine a scenario where the spiritual side (particularly if it's coming through in a lower, undeveloped manner) needs to change in order to accomodate a greater social awareness. Further, "social" may itself be too confining a concept. We're used to relating to other people, but the notion of relating to other species, the earth as a whole, or even with the universe still seems ridiculous to many. This lack of vision is what has created a global environmental crisis over the centuries. Perhaps we are really looking at a merging of the "social", "global" and "spiritual" perspectives at some higher, more inclusive level. That might satisfy all 3 planets.

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Full Moon at 8Sa26, 5-30

The energy in this chart is fiery and passionate -- a little too much so. It's easy to get carried away by a chart like this, causing you to do things you might regret later. The Moon conjunct Pluto is a dead give-away that powerful emotions and complex motivations are at work behind the scenes. Mars was exactly opposite Jupiter shortly before the new moon, giving us a lot of enthusiasm and drive. This could be a powerful time in romantic relationships, judging from the T-Square , but I doubt it will go smoothly. Use this time to explore the deeper reasons behind your behavior and the barely expressed needs and desires that may be thwarted or ignored. Just give your partner equal time or the sparks will fly!

P.S. -- The Full Moon axis lies across the ascendent of the USA chart, suggesting a stressful time for the nation the next 2 weeks. Watch the news.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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