Current Transits for October 96

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Neptune and Uranus go into Direct Motion, 10-6 and 10-9
New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse at 19Li32, 10-12
Saturn trine Pluto, 10-25
Full Moon at 3Ta26, 10-26
Ceres conjunct Vesta, 10-28
Mars enters Virgo, 10-30

General Outlook for the Month

The dramatic upturn in energy that began in September surges on with full force in October. It seems after a long summer of drifting along through life rather aimlessly, the fall is turning into a major powerhouse of a time. Situations that have remained stagnant or without resolution for many months have begun to shift big time. This energy is allowing us to see options and possibilities that we couldn't even dream of a few months ago, so use this influence to break out of the ruts you've grown accustomed to. By the 12th, after the direct stations of Neptune and Uranus, followed by a solar eclipse, the changes should be in full swing. The last third of the month is a rousing, but friendly, planetary storm that unleashes even more of this transformative potential -- hang on to your hats and get ready for a long roller coaster ride leading into November. Whatever you do in October, don't just sit on your hands or settle for the status quo. If you have dreams for your life, it's time to put them into action.

The major planetary influence lurking in the background during October is the large fan-shaped pattern of Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn. This pattern is the "backbone" of both planetary storms this month. The major theme of this grouping seems to involve bringing important spiritual growth experiences into our everyday lives, transforming us so we can effortlessly live spiritual lives right here on the earth plane. Radical changes and new spiritual perspectives are flooding into lives, to the point of becoming almost routine. The amount of change in the last 18 months has been tremendous -- and the best is still on the way. Keep this energy in mind as you read about the rest of the month. (For more info, check out the Long-Term Influences.)

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Neptune and Uranus go into Direct Motion, 10-6 and 10-9

An important phenomenon in October are the direct stations of Neptune and Uranus, just a few days apart. Simultaneous stations of the outer planets produces an effect I call "the logjam". Having watched this effect for many years now, it typically feels as though the world has gotten stuck or even broken (and has been for a long time), but that now things are starting to shift and move.

When Neptune was moving in reverse gear, it felt that our dreams and ideals were being stifled, or that our hopes were just fantasies and idle wishes. It has required a great deal of focus and discipline (something that Neptune knows little about, but that Saturn can provide) to slug through the messes of everyday life and still hold fast to your vision. In the process, our ideals have been tested, improved, and purified. Now that the dream has passed the test, the Neptune station on the 6th (at 24Cp58) is releasing the brakes and allowing things to move again. If nothing else, the pessimistic "doom and gloom" attitude that many people are sporting should give way to a more upbeat mood.

The station of Uranus on the 9th (at 0Aq38) marks a shift more at the mental, conceptual level. One of the hardest parts about intense periods of change is simply trying to make sense of the chaos. The biggest impediment is that new lifestyles can't be understood in the same old mental mold -- a new way of looking at yourself and the world in general must evolve at the same time. Frequently, these "Aha!" experiences where your perspective shifts are felt as important moments of insight or illumination. It takes a long time of beating our heads against old habits and ingrained ways of thinking (the entire period when Uranus is retrograding) before these insights come, often without effort. After they arrive, life is never the same again. Coupled with the eclipse coming up, this period is telling us that life is about to become much easier and a lot more fun.

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New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse at 19Li32, 10-12

The new moon on the 12th is a partial solar eclipse (at 19Li32). The lunar eclipse of 9-26 and this solar eclipse are like bookends enclosing a powerful transition time in the world. Eclipses are the producers of radical change that lasts for 6 to12 months and leave nothing the same. Often, we resist these shifts and make things harder for ourselves, which is probably why eclipses have such a negative reputation as astrology's biggest bogey-men. In actuality, they can be very liberating influences, assuming you want to be liberated. It's best to cooperate peacefully when the universe comes knocking. Also remember that the coming elections occur under the influence of this lunar cycle -- the results could be quite unexpected!

The planets in this chart fall into 3 main groups. The 2-3 degree planets include Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn. The 19 degree group contains Mars, the eclipse itself, Chiron, Pallas, Vesta, Ceres, and Neptune. There's a small group of planets at 10 degrees: Venus, Jupiter, and Juno. There are weak connections between these groups, but overall, the chart is quite scattered.

The most striking contact in the whole chart is the close conjunction of Chiron with the eclipse, just like Saturn was conjunct the lunar eclipse last month. The 19 degree planets are a mixture of strongly masculine bodies (Sun, Mars) and feminine ones (Moon, Neptune, the asteroids). Chiron often has the role of balancing opposite tendencies, especially when the resulting psychic split produces a state of imbalance or disharmony. Chiron's movement through Libra this year (combined with its perihelion passage on 2-14) has produced an exaggerated emphasis on personal relationships, stressing many partnerships to the breaking point. With the eclipse now blessing Chiron, perhaps some of these problems can be resolved once and for all. Of course, such a resolution can only happen in the context of the overall spiritual overhaul going on, as described by the 2 degree planets. Our contact with the higher self is now mostly an intellectual (Mercury) matter. Our understandings are being stretched to the limits, particularly the way we view ourselves vis-a-vis others. Little ideas won't cut it now, only a broad and quirky perspective seems to work. Remain open to other points of view, especially from your close friends and partners, as there is much wisdom to gather once you set egos aside. The "practical" side of life seems to be going smoother, with Venus and Jupiter (both in earth signs) in a potent trine. Maintain an air of harmony and optimism as you go about your day. Start gearing up to make all the changes you've been noticing recently; prepare to make major shifts on all levels. As you let go of ancient fears and worries, life becomes lighter and lighter. Don't forget that these eclipses are active until next spring (which includes the Grand Finale pattern in February) -- prepare to be remade right down to the foundations!

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Saturn Trine Pluto, 10-25

There's an important "big aspect" on the 25th, a trine of Saturn and Pluto. Both planets have an "image problem" with people that look at astrology fatalistically. "At least it's a trine," I hear them say. Actually, Saturn and Pluto have an interesting relationship, two opposites that somehow attract. The role of Saturn is to provide structure and form, to take possibilities and convert them into concrete reality. Frequently, this takes much discipline and hard work (part of the reason Saturn is so loathed by people) to pull off, but the results and sense of mastery gained are worth the effort. The Dark Lord Pluto represents evolutionary change and spiritual transformation, despite a reputation for deviousness and manipulation that he sometimes brings forth. What we have here is a dynamic of change followed by consolidation followed by change, a cycle of bringing soul-inspired insight and transformation (Pluto) into our everyday lives (Saturn). I've been talking frequently about the need to take care of your physical health due to the nervous stress we are all under. These planets, along with Uranus, have been pounding on us for about 18 months now, and frankly, we're all a bit pooped and our nerves are frayed. Saturn is saying that even in matters of the spirit, the physical body must be given its due. The fact that the contact is an easy, flowing trine aspect makes this transition a little easier. Recall that the 25th is in the middle of the major storm, so this trine should have plenty of backing for its effects on us. Let old habits go, incorporate new behaviors into your day-to-day activities. This is a time to build new habits and skills that will serve us better in the near future.

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Full Moon at 3Ta26, 10-26

The full moon is definitely a powerhouse configuration. If you want to get anything done this month, it's hard to find a better time than the next 2 weeks.

The full moon is connected to many planets in this chart, but the most notable pattern is the T-square the Sun and Moon form with Uranus. While there's a certain stubborness or immovability in present circumstances, the element that keeps coming up is surprise and unpredictability. Uranus is a trickster, a sage in clown's costume -- never underestimate his power to befuddle the average human. In the process of opening up to the higher states of awareness that are streaming in on us, be prepared to experience just about anything. If you're stuck or fixated on anything, even the most beautiful or admirable thing in the world, it's a certainty that something will force you to see the other side of the issue. The mental/intuitive realm is very fluid and changable; our perspectives and opinions are constantly challenged and overthrown. Pluto and Saturn are just coming off their trine aspect of yesterday, so this transformative energy is more than "just mental" -- it reaches down to our deepest levels. Further, we are more open than usual to these "other-worldly" influences in the next few days, since Mercury, Venus, and Mars are still closing in on the outer planets. In the midst of all this commotion, take some time to go off and quietly sort through all the chaos in your mind. See what is just idle chatter and what is important -- take steps to make the latter an everyday habit. We are (not so slowly) remaking ourselves.

Incidentally, the elections take place before the next new moon. This revolutionary Uranus will definitely color voter's perceptions as they go to the polls. The main question is whether they will think for themselves (the ultimate freedom we have) or allow their votes to be manipulated. With Neptune crisscrossing the USA Pluto all year, this election has become one of the dirtiest and most "bought after" ever. Unseen powers behind the scenes have worked hard to steal the show in this election. Hopefully, enough people will see through the smoke screen (but don't count on it). I expect the election returns to hold a few interesting surprises.

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Ceres Conjunct Vesta, 10-28

There's a very rare conjunction of the asteroids Ceres and Vesta on the 28th, at 24Sa15. The last time these two lovely women were conjunct was back in 1979, so this is a long-term cycle regulating certain feminine energies in the psyche. Ceres is the mothering, nurturing principle, the instinct to care for and assist beings less developed than ourselves. Vesta is the sense of security and the search for the power and authority that comes from deep within ourselves. Perhaps as we come into a realization of soul power within ourselves, this power must be expressed outward in service to others that need our help. I can't say that I understand these asteroids well enough to say much about this cycle, but it will be interesting to study its effects in coming weeks.

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Mars enters Virgo, 10-30

Mars moves from the regal sign Leo into the more practical and buttoned-down Virgo on the 30th. The urge to be flamboyant and outgoing takes a back seat now, as the will-power (the tendency to do something because "I wanna") submits to goals that transcend the personal. "Service" (a central Virgo theme) is somewhat of a dirty word in America, as it implies submission. But a spiritual understanding of service simply means that you recognize a higher power or greater goal than yourself, and you decide to willingly align your actions with that goal. You give yourself as a channel for energies that we need to bring into the world. Especially, as Mars makes contacts with the outer planets ruling this time, service can simply be a matter of living the spirit-filled life more fully, helping to anchor the current energy into your everyday world. It's not flashy and flamboyant, but then Virgo was never one for being seduced by glamour. Mars stays in this sign until next January 3rd, when it enters Libra.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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