Glossary of Miscellaneous Terms and Concepts (cntd.)

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Parallel :
An aspect formed when two planets are in the same declination, that is, when they are the same distance north or south of the celestial equator. Generally considered to operate much like the conjunction.
Perihelion :
The point in a planet's orbit where it is closest to the sun and moving as fast as it can. This often intensifies the planet's effects on us (especially for those planet's further from the sun than the Earth), as we are getting a "close up view" of it.
Personal Planet :
A faster moving planet that represents "ordinary" states of awareness or everyday workings of the mind. Includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Also known as inner planet.
Planetary Storm :
A pattern containing a large number of planets interconnected by many close aspects, typically lasting for 1 or 2 weeks. Planetary storms show up in the A5 Spectrum as strong, tall waveforms (often Koz Alerts or better), with clearly defined harmonics, that persist for a long time. Such storms are usually powerful patterns that produce much fast paced activity and change in our lives.
Prime Vertical :
The vertical plane over an observer that passes directly east-west and straight overhead. One of the fundamental planes defining local space, along with the horizon and the meridian. See also House.


Retrograde Motion :
When a planet appears to be moving backwards ("in reverse gear") in the zodiac (as opposed to direct motion). See also Retrograde Zone Info.
Retrograde Station :
The point in a planet's retrograde cycle where it is standing still (at a station), preparing to go from direct motion to retrograde motion. Coming early in the retrograde cycle, it indicates a situation that is starting to crystalize, eventually building to a crisis point later in the cycle. See also Retrograde Zone Info.
Retrograde Zone :
The space along the zodiac between the direct stationand retrograde station of a planet. This is a zone of heightened influence for that planet, since it passes back and forth across this area 3 times over an extended period of time. See also Retrograde Zone Info.
Return :
A point in time when a planet moves around the zodiac and comes back to the same zodiacal position (degree, sign and minute) it occupied in your birthchart. Also refers to the entire chart for the time of a return, as in "solar return chart". Returns of the Sun and Moon are commonly used in astrology, although the return of any planet is considered highly significant. Keep in mind that the return (transiting planet is conjunct your natal planet) is also the start of a cycle for that planetary energy, so the return chart is indicative of the meaning of the entire cycle.


See-Saw :
A pattern of planets arranged in two groups opposite each other in the zodiac. These opposing planets draw your attention in conflicting directions, making it hard to focus on particular issues in life or make decisions when faced with choices.
Solar Eclipse :
When the Sun is covered up by the Moon. An omen of deep transformation, often lasting 6 to 12 months. See also eclipse.
Solar Return :
When the sun returns to the same zodiac position as it was in your birth chart (around the time of your birthday); also the entire chart set up for this time. A solar return chart describes the circumstances in your life for the coming year.
South Node :
The lunar node where the moon's orbit passes from north of the ecliptic to south. Also known as "Caudus Draconis" (Latin for "tail of the dragon"). Indicates your karmic talents, habits and blockages from previous lives.
Station :
The points in a planet's retrograde cycle where it is standing still and hence concentrating its energies heavily on a single zodiacal position. Comes in 2 flavors, the retrograde station and the direct station. See also Retrograde Zone Info.


Transition Period :
The time between two planetary storms (in the A5 Spectrum). The energy is usually very weak and scattered, making it hard to get anything done. My advice: kick back and take it easy. See transition rules.
Transition Rules :
You aren't going to get much done during a transition period anyway, so follow these rules: 1) just do enough to get by until the energies are more favorable, 2) don't start any major new projects until the energy picks up, 3) rest, relax, enjoy yourself, recharge your batteries (especially if you're feeling run down or stressed out).
T Square :
Three planets in a pattern where the aspects are 2 squares and an opposition. Usually a dynamic, but very difficult and stressful kind of energy.


Void of Course Moon :
A period of time between the last major aspect of the Moon to another planet when in a zodiac sign until the Moon's entrance into the next sign. These "void moon" times have an unlucky reputation, when no activity reaches a proper conclusion. It's usually better to use such times for going inward and recharging your energies.


Water :
One of the 4 classical elements, representing the traits of fluidity, emotion/feeling, love and belonging. Often signifies unconscious tendencies. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


Yod :
Three planets in a pattern where the aspects are 2 quincunxes and a sextile. Considered to be a time of fateful decision making where you must rely on gut instinct. After you take one path at this "fork in the road", there's no turning back.


Zodiac :
A circular band in the sky that includes the apparent annual path of the Sun around the earth (called the ecliptic) and a small region on either side of this path. See also Signs.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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