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a kevin & michelle production
january 2004 / [r] 3 yrs 0 mths old / [h] 0 yrs 7 mths old prev next

  • 1/15/2004
    book stack | testing head lamp | heidi & rachel | ready to shop | dad & his girls | rachel painting her new room | rachel painting hallway | b/r before | b/r after | rachel's new closet | rachel & gma kathy's retirement party | mom at same party

  • 1/21/2004 - rachel 3 years old
    b-day morning | i got new underwear | my neighbor friends came over | we danced | we ate lunch | got a cake | ate the cake | ate some more | opened some gifts | admired the gifts | told my relatives about it | another gift | watching tv | mom & rachel | heidi | heidi & dad | madison & rachel | madison & rachel (sleeping)

  • 1/25/2004 - st. paul ice palace
    rachel | upward view | nhl all-star rink | lots of ice | getting cold | sculpture 1 | sculpture 2 | warming up

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