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a kevin & michelle production
june 2004 / [r] 3 yrs 5 mths old / [h] 1 yrs 0 mths old prev next

  • 6/3/2004
    rachel | rachel & heidi | ecfe class

  • 6/5/2004 - heidi's birthday party
    heidi | spread | cake | rachel & ellie | aunt pam & heidi | waiting for that grilled food | faces | will, kent, pam, steve & kathy | happy dad | where's that cake? | dad, mom & heidi | heidi & cake | heidi | heidi | morning auntie pam

  • 6/6/2004
    cake & friends (madison's 5th birthday) | meg & madison | bubbles | hot day | yoga pairs

  • 6/13/2004
    heidi bath | rachel & heidi bath | heidi & heidi | playdoh hands | playdoh stars | playdoh face | break time | swim party | rachel & puddle | our house | interesting outfit - front | interesting outfit - back

  • 6/20/2004 - father's day
    rachel & greta | grill approval process | to the lake | ready for a boat ride | dad & rachel | mom & rachel | rachel's 1st sunny | is that a keeper? | story time | bill and kids

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